blog-bienestar-limpieza More conscious cleaning post-blog
You compost, he composts, we compost.
What would be your reaction if we told you that almost everything we usually consider as garbage could contribute to the environment? We could somehow change the name of the concept “garbage” and see it as a new way of creating life. This is what composting is all about. Beyond a temporary fashion that we […]

blog-bienestar-limpieza More conscious cleaning post-blog
My mom used to say, “Good habits start at home.”
January 19, 2022
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As a personal anecdote, throwing out the garbage is just another household chore when we aren’t used to recycling. There is no remorse and no guilty feelings. However, it changes the first day you decide to start with a slight change and collect your plastic bottles or cardboard boxes.

blog-bienestar-limpieza Economía Circular post-blog
Let’s all create a circle together.
January 19, 2022
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Circular Economy. It’s a concept heard a long time ago but understood by few; in fact, it doesn’t sound easy the first time we hear about it. But if we spend 5 minutes of our busy life on it, it can change the way we think and makes us understand how each of our actions […]

blog-bienestar-limpieza Corresponsabilidad y Familia post-blog
Homework and housework.
January 19, 2022
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Let’s call things by their proper name: household chores aren’t one or the other’s responsibility, but they concern all of us because we all live in the same space. So let’s start by demystifying that some tasks are more suitable for adults or children; with a bit of practice and commitment, we can achieve wonders […]
January 19, 2022
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